Fighting the Stronghold of Mediocrity

Ordinary.  Average.  Lackluster.  Unremarkable.  Mediocre.  Mediocrity is the strong, silent weapon against God’s purpose and assignment for you.  I imagine the enemy rejoicing at the current state of our society.  We don’t have to look far among friends and family to find someone dissatisfied with their job, living paycheck to paycheck, depressed, or living the same year over and over again.

Mediocrity isn't just accepted by society, it's also a stronghold.  So many of us are letting our dreams go unachieved to settle for the safety of mediocrity. But it's time for you to step out on faith! Click through to discover how you can lea…


Countless people give up on following their dreams because they don’t believe in themselves, nor do they have faith that God can bring those dreams to fruition.  The enemy whispers to us that we are incapable.  He wants us to think that our dreams are too big.  That it’s safer in our comfort zone.  That we belong in our comfort zone. But we know that God did not intend for us to be comfortable living in mediocrity.  For God’s word says:

“What is mankind that you are mindful of them, a son of man that you care for him?  You made them a little lower than the angels; you crowned them with glory and honor and put everything under their feet.”  Hebrews 2:6-8 NIV

That means fear is beneath you.  Mediocrity is beneath you.  Doubt, insecurity, depression, and anxiety are all beneath you.  We know as believers who we are in Christ and how He has set us apart.  But mediocrity still finds its way into our lives.  It is a stronghold because we are surrounded by it.  You don’t have to search far and wide to find someone investing years of their life in a career that doesn’t fulfill, challenge, or make them grow.  We hear people talk about their regrets all the time.  We hear people settling in their routine instead of chasing their dreams.  We hear people settling instead of ever achieving financial freedom and abundance.  The scary thing is that we can easily fall into mediocrity and stay there without realizing it because it surrounds us.

This stronghold will prevent you from walking in the will of God and either delay or prevent the Lord’s call on your life from being realized.  The danger of a mediocre life is that the possibility of growth is forfeited.  If the years of your life are relatively the same with no progression towards your dreams and goals, that is living in mediocrity.  But God wants us to grow and flourish.  He has created us to do good things: “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10 NIV)  God also calls us to be courageous and stand firm in His purpose for us: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go”. (Joshua 1:9 NIV)  We will not receive God’s best if we do not give Him our best.  And we can’t give God our best if we allow ourselves to remain trapped in our comfort zones.  We have to make a decision.  We can accept our responsibility for the progression of our lives and say goodbye to mediocrity by choosing God’s will.  

Fighting against mediocrity is hard, but it is well worth it.  When God revealed to me that I was miserable in my nursing career because I never asked Him before pursuing it, I was stunned.  I wanted to know what His will for me truly was, especially after chasing my own desires landed me in depression, anxiety, and unfulfillment.  God revealed the vision for Humble and Whole, but it seemed so big, and I seemed so unqualified.  Whenever doubt plagued my mind, the Lord reminded me that He qualifies who He calls.  I knew that following God’s plan for me would bring Him glory.  That is what I want you to understand about fighting mediocrity.  It will undoubtedly bring glory to God.  It’s not about trying to accomplish your dreams and goals apart from Him and then not giving Him the credit He deserves.  Fighting against your comfort zone will stretch your faith and trust in God more than you can imagine.  And how wonderful it is when you can have childlike faith, trusting God wholeheartedly, even though you may not know how His plan for you will come to pass.

You have the chance to glorify God by choosing to walk in His assignment for you.  If He has given you a big dream, one that feels too big for you to achieve on your own, rejoice! You won’t be able to accomplish what He wants from you without Him.  And we serve a mighty God, one who is more than able to bring a dream to pass that He planted in your heart.

The enemy will try to convince you that there is nothing wrong with mediocrity because it is comfortable.  There is no risk involved.  There is nothing to lose.  But he is a liar.  Living in mediocrity robs God of His purpose and assignment for you.  You have everything to lose by choosing mediocrity.

The fight against mediocrity begins with our minds and our mouths.  We must declare and believe that the Lord designed us for greater.  We are children of the Most High God who plans to glorify Himself through us if we are willing.

It’s important to understand that I am not telling you to abruptly quit your job and start your own business.  I am asking you to take an honest look at your life.  If you are satisfied with your career, finances, yourself, and your relationships, then may the Lord continue to bless you abundantly.  If, however, you are struggling with the feeling that you were meant for more, I urge you to explore it.  Seek God for understanding.  Ask Him what His will for your life is.  He is so faithful.  He will reveal His purpose for you.  He will help you walk in your purpose.

Have you decided not to stand for mediocrity in your life?  What steps have you taken to make God's call on your life a priority?  We would absolutely love to hear from you! Let us know in the comments below!